Welcome to the Art Chart. This blog is designed around my Life Drawing II class where I will be expanding my artistic horizons by viewing and responding to the work of a new artist that I've never seen or heard of before. I'm eager to see a variety of work and going beyond the artists I tend to favor. Let's see how this works out. Updates on Tuesdays.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Collage for Future Project

The three collages I was to make for my portrait project are connected. You see, me and my flat-mates were each going to design a triptych and collaborate making a different section of a greater whole. I began with a well known trio in pop culture: the Three Stooges, and put our faces on, considering which character was most appropriate. I then turned the woman who we each pursued into our common goal of becoming better artists by including the Mona Lisa as a figure. Each section reflects our focuses in art, Ethan's being in CG modeling, Andrew's in creating beautiful vista backgrounds, and my focus in comics and animation (though in this case comics are highlighted). I took a couple liberties in the assignment with the intent to create intrinsic meaning and clarity, which I have more difficulty doing in collage. This is only a first draft and I can already see a few things I might have to change before I continue on this project (that is, if we don't decide to focus on another of my flat-mates work.)

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